Shiba inu specialized breeder ◈ Awa-shi Tokushima Japan


What kinds of dogs are born from which pedigree?
To understand the characteristics of Japanese dogs,management of pedigrees is essential.
However, it is now difficult to trace back the family tree based on the pedigree due to the confusion of pedigrees in Nihon Ken Hozonkai (Japanese dogs preservation association).

What kinds of dogs will be born in our kennel?
We can find the answer by seeing the dogs of future generations here.
We believe that right management of pedigrees and keeping the precise records are our responsibilities.


MALE, 1st Generation

1st Generation


A judge with high authority for evaluating Japanese dogs vouched our dog, saying, “This dog is “kashime” meaning very precious and wonderful. But very few judges can notice the value. So, even if this dog is not appropriately evaluated, you should value and take good care of the dog.” The person has already passed away and we don’t know the real meaning of “kashime”.
If you have some information on Kashime and provide it for us, we are more than happy.

MALE, 2nd Generation

2nd Generation

MALE, 3rd Generation

3rd Generation

MALE, 4th Generation

4th Generation

MALE, 5th Generation

5th Generation


FEMALE, 1st Generation

1st Generation

FEMALE, 2nd Generation

2nd Generation

FEMALE, 3rd Generation

3rd Generation

FEMALE, 4th Generation

4th Generation

FEMALE, 5th Generation

5th Generation

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